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Raziel Ella

help with form options

ReplyThanks 2019/11/20 19:40:44 0 0


Is it possible to some how copy the source code of form I made?

I need that after the bot will build the form it will send a copy of the form by email or take a screenshot of the form and send the image by email, is anyone know how to do it?

2019/11/22 14:26:05

Here is the reply from the programmer:

Try to use a FindControl command to find the control, then save it to the variable, then use a GetImage command to save the screenshot.

2019/11/24 01:02:15
1 # Raziel Ella 2019/11/20 19:40:44


Is it possible to some how copy the source code of form I made?

I need that after the bot will build the form it will send a copy of the form by email or take a screenshot of the form and send the image by email, is anyone know how to do it?

Are you talking about a screenshot of the BotChief project form? If so, then there is no way to send the source code of the form created in the editor.

Use the nircmd utility and the Run CMD/BAT action, or C# code.

Module Development - [email protected] // Thanks - https://ko-fi.com/arbots
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